If you missed the 2006 SDAG field trip, you surely missed a special event. Our group was near capacity at about 70 participants. Charlie Winker, Charlie Lough, George Morgan, and Monte Marshall led discussions. Charlie Winker drove from his home in Houston, Texas, and shared some of his findings based on new unpublished mapping. Charlie did not travel the farthest to be with us. I hope you met SDAG member John Burnam, who traveled all the way from his home in London, England, to join us. We did more hiking than in recent field trips.
Optional Domelands hike - noon - 4pm October 27, 2006
About 30 die-hards made the Friday hike to the Domelands.
Trail start - a short drive south and eastward from the Border Control check point to the northwestern Coyote Mountains Wilderness and on up...