SDAG 2006 ANNUAL FIELD TRIP - October 28-29, 2006
Where the Pavement Ends: Geology of Canyon Sin Nombre
Canyon Sin Nombre - October 28, 2006
Domelands Hike - October 27
Volcanic Hills - October 29
Stop 1 Carrizo Badlands Overlook off Hwy S-2.
Starting off with Julian apple pie and coffee provided by Menghini Winery... Kick-off overview/ overlook/ orientation was provided by Charlie Winker, Charlie Lough, George Morgan, and Monte Marshal.
We saw some fascinating but relatively obscure geology our group has not seen in over 10 years, and many have never seen.
Charlie Lough presenting.

Stop 2 - Elsinore Fault
Stop 3 - side canyon of Canyon Sin Nombre

A three mile round trip hike goes up a little known side canyon east of Canyon Sin Nombre.
4WD is required. On Saturday most people made the hike up the east fork of Canyon Sin Nombre for a spectacular view of the Carrizo Badlands and little-known exposures of Alverson lava flows and underlying red beds. I think we did not leave anyone in the ravines.

Climbing side canyon |

Charlie Winker rock talk by walkie talkie
Charlie Winker spoke about his work with Susan Kidwell on the Miocene-Pleistocene basin sediments. The stratigraphic nomenclature in this work, published in 1996, has been adopted by most current researchers in the area.
Retired County Geologist Charlie Lough spoke about areas of current research in the area. There are many unanswered questions that are ripe for geologic research.
Back at Agua Caliente, we enjoyed the hot springs pools at the campground and Carole Ziegler provided the evening entertainment with her "60 million years in 60 minutes" presentation. We ate excellent catered meals thanks to the services of Toni Menghini. That dinner was incredible, Toni.