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SDAG Events / Announcements


Greetings SDAG Members

At July's meeting, Chuck Houser gave a riveting technical and artistic presentation of auroral displays that he captured with his cameras on Mt Laguna last April. That's right, we said Auroral Displays, as in Aurora Borealis. Chuck presented the group with dazzling views that only the camera could resolve, as well as remarkable naked-eye shots with both a fancy digital SLR camera, and an old iPhone. The results included meteors and (of course) aircraft, and were presented and narrated upon as only Chuck can!

The staff at Sunbelt Publications provided the venue and set-up, and helped us with the show. They even graciously sold some books to our always eager members. The pizza faire was provided by San Diego Mobile Pizza and was a huge hit, arriving in a big yellow (s)C(h)ool Bus with a loud novelty horn. The wood-fired bus oven provided most excellent pizzas from Chef Marco, with plenty of left-overs to take home. The Walawender Bar would like to thank you all for your donations to the SDAG Student Scholarship Fund.

Our August meeting features Dr. Pat Abbott at the delightful Bali Hai Restaurant on Shelter Island. Pat calls this his "Kick-Ass" talk, and we'll just have to be there to find out why! Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt and join us for what should be an unforgettable evening on San Diego Bay with the incomparable Dr. Abbott.

With the upcoming 2024 SDAG Field Trip to Wrightwood in September, there will be no newsletter or dinner meeting in September. So please get your registration forms in to SDAG VP & Field Trip Organizer Heather Reynolds as soon as possible, and we'll see you out in the field, where geologists belong!

John Teasley,
2024 SDAG President

2024 Annual Field Trip Committee is Making Plans

Exciting things are brewing for the upcoming SDAG Field Trip 2024! For anyone who hasn't already heard, our field trip this year will be exploring the San Andreas Fault tectonic history within the San Gabriel Mountains, near Wrightwood, CA.
  • Dates: Last weekend of September from Friday 27th through Sunday 29th.
  • We'll be staying at beautiful Table Mountain Campground, 10 minutes from Wrightwood (a hiking and ski resort town).
  • Miles Kenney will be our primary field trip guide/speaker, who did his dissertation in this area when he was at the University of Oregon. He completed his undergrad at SDSU.
  • Monte Marshall will give a little talk on a paper he's been working on, titled "The Evolution of Our Understanding of the San Andreas Fault."
  • A geologic map specifically for this field trip is being prepared. We are planning to include it with the guidebook.
  • We are actively figuring out our field trip stops.
Download information/reservation form.


Heather Reynolds and SDAG is inviting all who want to contribute their work to the Official Guidebook for the 2024 Field Trip to the Transverse Ranges in the Wrightwood / Valyermo area. Articles in all areas of geology-related disciplines and/or the cultural history of the area are welcome. Contact Heather for details at

Geology field trip to Iceland with GeoTours 2023
Iceland trip 2023 group photo

SDAG 2023 Field Trip to Eastern San Diego County Peninsular Ranges


Have an idea for a one-day or half-day field trip?
Want to share your favorite aspect of San Diego geology?
Contact SDAG to schedule your One-Stop Wonder!
Your OSW may be chosen to be included in SDAG's One Stop Wonder Guidebook!

Contact Monte Murbach for scheduling!

In the news ...

John Minch book


Here is a link to the SDAG Facebook page:

Interactive Fault Map for San Diego

As part of the update for the San DiegoTijuana Earthquake Planning Scenario, Working Group No. 1's "Fault Map Subcommittee" completed the first publicly available bi-national active and potentially active fault map ( This interactive GIS map includes the first publicly available active and potentially fault map locations from the City of San Diego. The map also integrated the faults south of the border for a bi-national cross border view. This map is an on-going project as our knowledge increases about local active and potentially active faults.

You can expand the map legend on the left side to select layers that can be turned on or off for the map view. You can also select from 1 of 12 base maps at the base map icon. You can click on the fault line in your map layer view to see the meta-data source. In addition, the City of San Diego Seismic Safety Study Geologic Hazards & Faults Maps are available in the layer titled "GeoHaz SD City." Please note that the City "Zone 12 Potentially Active" fault layers was not included in this data, therefore you will need to use the City Maps to find Zone 12.

The Fault Map link is available at:

I would like to thank Carolyn Glockhoff for her endless GIS work, Jim Quinn and the City for providing their data and time, Jerry Treiman with CGS for his time preparing the Surface Rupture and providing their new State fault data layer, and Luis Mendoza at CICESE for providing the faults south of the border. Please contact Diane Murbach ( 619-865-4333), Chair for the SDTJ Earthquake Scenario Working Group #1 - Earth Science, if you have any questions, or see any errors on this new fault map.

Diane Murbach
(619) 865-4333
Engineering Geologist, C.E.G.

Photo of the Month
Photo of SDSU Geology Alumni field trip recon

CALL FOR ARTICLES! SDAG invites members to submit articles on their current research or an interesting project they are working on for publication in the monthly newsletter. The article should be no more than 1 page in length. Photos are welcomed, too! Please submit articles to the SDAG secretary via email.

Yosemite Conservancy Outdoor Adventures featuring custom adventures.

Got too many rocks? Are you (or specifically, your spouse...) interested in giving them a good home *away* from your house and garden? Mesa College is looking to collect some rock samples for an inaugural Earth History course. We are specifically looking for sedimentary rocks that include examples of different energy environments (varying grain sizes and shapes) and structures (ripples, cross bedding, planar bedding, graded bedding, etc.). We are also looking to beef up our fossil collection and are looking for all the major phyla: Echinoderms, brachiopods, mollusks (bivalves, cephalopods, gastropods), arthropods (trilobites and more!), corals (Cnidaria), Porifera, Bryozoa, vertebrates (Chordata), etc. Looking for both actual standalone specimens or in the rock still (showing different environments of deposition). We are looking for fossil preservation examples, and also for good trace fossil evidence. Got any sediment grain samples from cool locales? We'll take them! If you have anything else you think provides a good 'story' in the rock, we are willing to check it out! We are collecting ASAP to assess how much needs to be ordered for the fall course. Please contact Jill Krezoski at or Don Barrie at with queries or samples.

ROCK DONATIONS NEEDED: Amy Romano, one of our former student members, is looking for rock donations. Amy is currently attending Humboldt State University and majoring in Geology. She is very involved with Humboldt's Geology Club, and every year the club holds a rock auction to support their activities. If you have any rocks to donate, please contact Amy at

Annual Scholarship Awards by the San Diego Association of Geologists, a program of the San Diego Geological Society, Inc.

A primary function of the San Diego Association of Geologists (SDAG) is to support academic opportunities in geology and related sciences. By-laws of the San Diego Geological Society (SDGS) specify the support of academic opportunity ranging from elementary through graduate levels. The SDAG scholarship program has supported academic research in higher education by awarding scholarships annually to students from two-year and four-year undergraduate and master's level programs. Awards are for outstanding research in geology and related sciences. Nominations are solicited from individual faculty and from geology or related science departments at accredited academic institutions. Evaluation of the relative merit of each nominee is based on an abstract describing the objectives and results of the research being conducted by the student and on the letter of recommendation by the student's mentor or nominating committee.

The annual timeline is as follows:
  • Request for nominations occurs in September.
  • Nomination letters and research abstracts are received by the Scholarship Coordinator in mid to late October.
  • Awardees and their nominators are invited to attend the December SDAG dinner meeting. Scholarship awards are distributed to the student during the December meeting.
  • Students accepting awards are required to give a presentation of their research results usually at a spring dinner meeting of SDAG.
For further information contact SDGS Board at through the Contact Us option


A comprehensive listing of all papers published by SDAG, whether as annual field trip guidebooks or special publications, is available on our website. Entries are sorted by primary author, or chronologically by date of publication, from our first guidebook in 1972, up the San Luis Rey River in 2013, from Coast to Cactus in 2014, and finally over the edge to the Coyote Mountains in 2015. These can be accessed or downloaded as .pdf files. They are fully searchable in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, so if you are researching a topic, "tsunami" for example, you can search for that keyword. This listing will be updated as new books are published. Thanks to Greg Peterson and Hargis + Associates, Inc., for making this possible. See the links below:
SDAG publications sorted by senior author.
SDAG publications sorted chronologically.

Request for Sponsors: 2024 SDAG/SDGS and Publication SPONSORS

On behalf of the San Diego Geological Society, Inc. (SDGS), a public benefit 501(c)3 nonprofit educational corporation, we would like to request tax deductible Donations at our San Diego Association of Geologists (SDAG). The list of paid Sponsors and the forms to become a Sponsor are located on the SDAG web site at:

Your donation will further the SDGS mission to promote geology and related fields in the greater San Diego region, operating through the San Diego Association of Geologists (SDAG), a committee of SDGS. To achieve our primary educational objective, we organize frequent field trips and maintain a program of monthly meetings featuring speakers on current geological topics. We also publish field trip guidebooks and other publications related to geology and natural history. We encourage scholarship and research by awarding scholarships from the elementary through graduate levels. With your $100 "EMERALD" donation, your name/business will be listed as a sponsor on the SDAG web site ( and in the monthly SDAG meeting newsletters. With your $500 "RUBY" or $1,000 or more "DIAMOND" level donation, your business card will also be included on the SDAG web site and in the monthly SDAG meeting newsletters. In addition, as a "$1,000 or more DIAMOND" level donation you will be presented with a thank you plaque.

Should you have any questions regarding a Sponsorship, please contact our non-profit SDGS Secretary (Diane Murbach) at 619-865-4333.


As many of you are aware, the San Diego Geological Society (SDGS) was formed in early 2010 as an official non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, and SDAG is now an organization under this corporation. The reasons for doing this were many and they are spelled out in an informational sheet, the Business Plan of SDGS. The officers of SDGS should be very familiar to you, as they are all past presidents of SDAG. For those of you that would like to read more about SDGS and what it means to SDAG, check out the informational page on the website. Also check out the website

GSA meetings

GSA 2024 Annual Meeting 22-25 September in Anaheim, California


If you want to complete your collection, or just see what SDAG was up to in the 1970s, check out our website's publication page, and scroll all the way down: In addition to our very first publication in 1972, a field trip to Otay Mesa, you'll find our 1973 Geology and Hazards of San Diego volume, the first of two guidebooks to the Coronado Islands, in 1978, and our 1987 field guide to the gold mines of Julian. Happy reading!

SDAG Wear - Monte (Murbach) has a variety of shirts, hats, visors and even a nice vest with the SDAG logo. A small selection is available for purchase at the meetings; all SDAG wear can be ordered from Monte.

DO YOU HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT?? Do you have an event, job opening, field trip or other announcement you would like to share with our members?? Just call or email our SDAG Secretary.

San Diego State University

Wednesday seminars, 1 - 2 pm, SDSU in the Chemistry-Geology Building, room CSL-422. Check for details.
Department of Geological Sciences
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-1020
FAX (619) 594-4372           VOICE (619) 594-6394
The Gordon Gastil Endowed Scholarship Fund continues to seek donations of any amount. Gifts of $ 500.00 or more will be recognized on a plaque to be placed in the remodeled Geology Building. Donations can be sent through SDAG, or contact Pia or Marie, Department of Geological Sciences, SDSU, at (619) 594-5586.

AAPG Student Chapter
American Association of Petroleum Geologists - San Diego State University

SDSU-AAPG student chapter officers intention is to support student interest in petroleum and geology related fields.

Association for Environmental Health and Sciences

Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
AEG Inland Empire Chapter

Inland Geological Society

Los Angeles Basin Geological Society

Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc.,
Southern California Mining Section

South Coast Geological Society

The SCGS usually meets on the first Monday of every month, in Orange County. For more SCGS information, visit their website at:

West Coast Petroleum Technology Transfer Council

Our website manager, Carolyn Glockhoff, can create a link from any Corporate Sponsor's listing on the SDAG website to its company website, if one exists. Also, please send the URLs of your favorite geology sites to for listing on the Geologic Links page. These could be data resources, schools, useful government contacts, geologic software, contractors, laboratories, your own company's website, or anything you think would be useful to your colleagues.

DO YOU HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT?? Do you have an event, job opening, field trip or other announcement you would like to share with our members?? Just call or email 2023 SDAG Secretary. Any news regarding upcoming events that may be of interest to the Association or news of your business can be submitted.

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