2011 SDAG Field Trip: Nov. 4-6, 2011
Picacho State Recreation Area and the Cargo Muchachos
Plans for this year's field trip and accompanying guidebook are progressing well. We'll be staying at the
group sites (very cozy) at the Picacho State Recreation Area November 4 through 6, 2011. You may
have heard that Sacramento has scheduled Picacho SRA for closure next summer. So far, it doesn't
appear that this will affect us, so all systems are go.
Gold mining within the Chocolate and Cargo Muchacho Mountains has a long and stored history, yet
remains relatively unknown when compared to the other California gold camps of the Sierra Nevadas or
the Mojave Desert.
Mexican miners were among the first to learn of the 1849 gold rush in Northern California. They
were adept at locating gold deposits in places whereAnglos were not. American miners were
antagonistic toward the Mexicans, and drove them out. By the mid-1850’s many resettled in
southeastern California and western Arizona and discovered most of the major placer deposits
of the area.
Mexican miners traveled and worked in family groups. Among the methods used in placer
deposits was the blanket method. Simply throw sand up in a blanket and let the wind blow the
lighter materials away. Gold nuggets remain, while finer gold is captured in the hairs of the
While Anglos preferred to develop and mechanize deposits, Mexican minersand their families
lived in what could be called subsistence mining, just recovering enough to make a living. When
gold petered out, they moved on. This is one of the reasons so little is known of the earlymining
days of the area.
These tidbits are essentially from one fascinating paper that will be published the guidebook. However,
I need support (sponsor donations) to acquire the rights to publish archival mine photos that will
further enhance the paper. Please contact your VP Todd Wirths at 858-337-0098 or for any suggestions,
comments, etc. More to come, thanks! |
Ruins of the Picacho Mine's Lower Stamp Mill and Colorado River