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Field Trips

2009 ANNUAL FIELD TRIP - November 7 - 8, 2009

Mylonitization and associated low angle/detachment faulting in the
northern Santa Rosa and southern San Jacinto Mountains, California.

2009 field trip leader Monte Marshal
2009 Field Trip Description

Scott's field trip photos

Field Trip Organizers:
Bryan Miller-Hicks, Vice President, SDAG Dr. Monte Marshall, SDSU; 619-733-3724

Topics to be pondered, discussed, and postulated:
Geology of the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains Palm Canyon fault and associated mylonites and Paleozoic metasediments Peninsular Ranges Detachment fault Deep Canyon and the Boyd Research Center Palm Springs Tramway...Aerial Geology

Although this year's trip will visit two of the places we visited last year, this time we will learn the whole stratigraphic section of different rock layers and faults present in the east flanks of the Peninsular Ranges at this latitude and learn much more about the role of the world-famous Eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone in the tectonic history of this area. In addition, we will visit topographically and geologically spectacular Deep Canyon--an area off-limits to most people and one very few southern California geologists have ever even been into!

For further information, contact Bryan Miller-Hicks
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