October 30-31, 2004
This beautiful gem of Southern California was the destination for our 2004 field trip. We focused on the higher elevation, Mojave Desert portion of the park. SDAG members camped in the park and visited several geologic, mining, and cultural points of interest. Dr. D. D. Trent, co-author of "Joshua Tree National Park: Geology" joined us on our trip. Note that Sunbelt Publishing has copies of Dr. Trent's book (with Dr. Richard W. Hazlett, 2002) for sale! Contact Lowell Lindsay at
Photographers who contributed to the field guide:
Peter Gorwin is the founder of the Photographic Arts Group that operates under the auspices of the Escondido Arts Partnership for the purpose of promoting, exhibiting, and educating photographers throughout the San Diego area. Thanks to the energy of its membership, the Photographic Arts Group has generated 4 shows this year. Peter's current approach to making a desktop negative from Photoshop for the purposes of printing on various emulsions; many of his recent images have been pigment print. His pigment, alternative process, and traditional silver gelatin prints have earned him three one-man shows within the last two years: four of his images hung at The Fountainhead Tanz Theatre 2003 Black International Film Festival in Berlin. Since the 90's, Peter has also taught photography at various school in San Diego County, and workshops in Photoshop including with Siggraph 2003 at The Art Institute of California. Peter's website is
John D. Clark was born in 1957 and grew up in rural Maryland. For a family trip to Washington D.C. in 1974 he borrowed a 35mm camera from his science class and was hooked on photography. While following a career in chemistry, he returned to his love of photography. John's first large format camera was home-built from a kit and he currently uses both 4x5 and 8x10 view cameras. The view cameras allow John to create the landscape photographs that he enjoys searching for in the highest quality possible. The photographs were made with either a 4x5 or an 8x10 camera on traditional black and white film. The sheet films are individually developed by hand and prints are hand-crafted by John in his own custom darkroom in Oceanside, California. There are no automated processes, no lab assistants, no machines involved. More of John's work can be seen at