Rocky beach on Santa Cruz Island

Protected marine life on rocky shore of Santa Cruz Island
SDAG's 1997 field trip explored Santa Cruz Island in the Channel Islands, southeast of Ventura, CA on October 17 - 19, 1997.
Participants left San Diego at 11:30pm Friday night on a charter bus, arrived at the docks in Ventura around 3:30am Saturday, then boarded the boat to Santa Cruz Island.
Most of Santa Cruz Island is closed to normal mortals. The Nature Conservancy, owner of 90% of the island, required field trip participants to be actively involved in research or instruction. The eastern 10% of the island, which belongs to the National Park Service, is open to all, but restricted by logistics (no roads, lodging, stores, food, or water and limited camping facilities).
Check these sources for more information on Santa Cruz Island: